Dialing code: +90 · ISO code: TUR
Official Turk Telekom White Pages directory for people in Turkey. In Turkish. Enter the surname in Soyadi, select a town or mobile code in the İl pull-down list (such as 312 Ankara). You need to enter the Captcha text in the box in Doğrulama - click on Resmi değiştir (change picture) to get a (maybe) more readable image. When you've entered the name, city, and contents of the box, press Bul. If the result is Yanlış sözcük doğrulama, it means the Captcha code was not entered correctly (or at all). Abone bulunamadı translates as "subscriber found" but appears to mean "subscriber not found". If anything is found it will be listed in three columns. The first column is the name (and sometimes email address), the second column is the address, and the third column (with the flag) is the phone number, area code followed by a slash followed by the local phone number. Click yeniden ara to do a new search or değiştirerek ara to modify the search. To clear all the search options on the first page press Temizle.
Official Turk Telekom White and Yellow Pages directory for businesses in Turkey, in Turkish. Enter the business name in Firma adı, select a town or mobile code in the İl pull-down list. You need to enter the Captcha text in the box in Doğrulama - click on Resmi değiştir (change picture) to get a (maybe) more readable image. When you've entered the business name, city, and contents of the box, press Bul. Or enter a (Turkish) category in Kategorisi. In Turkish.
Basic Yellow Pages for Turkey. In Turkish, English and German.
Yellow Pages directory for Turkey. In Turkish and English.