Dialing code: +1 · ISO code: USA
Millions of cell and landline phone numbers found in the United States federal, state, local, and other government datasets available to the public.
NEW JERSEY | 201, 551, 609, 640, 732, 848, 856, 862, 908, 973 |
CONNECTICUT | 203, 475, 860, 959 |
ALABAMA | 205, 251, 256, 334, 938 |
WASHINGTON | 206, 253, 360, 425, 509, 564 |
MAINE | 207 |
IDAHO | 208, 986 |
CALIFORNIA | 209, 213, 310, 323, 408, 415, 424, 442, 510, 530, 559, 562, 619, 626, 628, 650, 657, 661, 669, 707, 714, 747, 760, 805, 818, 831, 858, 909, 916, 925, 949, 951 |
TEXAS | 210, 214, 254, 281, 325, 346, 361, 409, 430, 432, 469, 512, 682, 713, 726, 737, 806, 817, 830, 832, 903, 915, 936, 940, 956, 972, 979 |
NEW YORK | 212, 315, 332, 347, 516, 518, 585, 607, 631, 646, 716, 718, 838, 845, 914, 917, 929, 934 |
PENNSYLVANIA | 215, 267, 272, 412, 484, 570, 610, 717, 724, 814, 878 |
OHIO | 216, 220, 234, 330, 380, 419, 440, 513, 567, 614, 740, 937 |
ILLINOIS | 217, 224, 309, 312, 331, 618, 630, 708, 773, 779, 815, 847, 872 |
MINNESOTA | 218, 320, 507, 612, 651, 763, 952 |
INDIANA | 219, 260, 317, 463, 574, 765, 812, 930 |
LOUISIANA | 225, 318, 337, 504, 985 |
MISSISSIPPI | 228, 601, 662, 769 |
GEORGIA | 229, 404, 470, 478, 678, 706, 762, 770, 912 |
MICHIGAN | 231, 248, 269, 313, 517, 586, 616, 734, 810, 906, 947, 989 |
FLORIDA | 239, 305, 321, 352, 386, 407, 561, 727, 754, 772, 786, 813, 850, 863, 904, 941, 954 |
MARYLAND | 240, 301, 410, 443, 667 |
NORTH CAROLINA | 252, 336, 704, 828, 910, 919, 980, 984 |
WISCONSIN | 262, 414, 608, 715, 920 |
KENTUCKY | 270, 502, 606, 859 |
VIRGINIA | 276, 434, 540, 571, 703, 757, 804 |
DELAWARE | 302 |
COLORADO | 303, 719, 720, 970 |
WEST VIRGINIA | 304, 681 |
WYOMING | 307 |
NEBRASKA | 308, 402, 531 |
MISSOURI | 314, 417, 573, 636, 660, 816 |
KANSAS | 316, 620, 785, 913 |
IOWA | 319, 515, 563, 641, 712 |
MASSACHUSETTS | 339, 413, 508, 617, 774, 781, 857, 978 |
UTAH | 385, 435, 801 |
OKLAHOMA | 405, 539, 580, 918 |
MONTANA | 406 |
TENNESSEE | 423, 615, 629, 731, 865, 901, 931 |
OREGON | 458, 503, 541, 971 |
ARKANSAS | 479, 501, 870 |
ARIZONA | 480, 520, 602, 623, 928 |
NEW MEXICO | 505, 575 |
GUAM | 671 |
NEVADA | 702, 725, 775 |
PUERTO RICO | 787, 939 |
VERMONT | 802 |
SOUTH CAROLINA | 803, 843, 854, 864 |
HAWAII | 808 |
ALASKA | 907 |
White Pages and Yellow Pages phone books for the United States. As so many people are now not in the phone book, we've added some people search and public records links which use multiple sources to find addresses and phone numbers. Some only provide limited data for free.
Good USA and Canada phone book with separate White Pages searches for people and businesses. Includes a reverse search (search by number) and a very useful search by address (listing all numbers in a street).
Yellow Pages and White Pages for the USA. Searches by state or nationwide (all) from the drop down option box. Includes reverse search (by number), and search by street (for businesses) or exact address (for residential numbers).
White Pages for US businesses and people. Also includes reverse search for addresses and numbers.
Phone numbers reported to the Federal Trade Commission or Federal Communications Commission to search telemarketing and scam phone numbers.
User-created database to reverse-search telemarketing and scam phone numbers. Helps to find out if there are any complaints about them.
A database of phone numbers and codes that immediately get a live person on the line for customer service at over 8000 companies. Useful user review system highlights any problems or successes with the calls.
Yellow Pages for the US. Requires city. Good for local searches as it remembers the previous city you entered. Has map links. Also has a search for people facility (click on 'Find a Person' link at the top) which is powered by Peoplefinders.
Yellow and White Pages for the USA. Click on 'Find People' to search for a surname. Includes reverse search by telephone number (you need to include the area code and the bracket formatting for this is optional).