Sweden Phone Books

Dialing code: +46   ·   ISO code: SWE


Merinfo is a directory of businesses and people in Sweden. It's available in Swedish and is currently one of the largest and most visited in the country.


Business directory for Sweden. Also gives the option of searching in Norway and Denmark. In Swedish, Norwegian and Danish.


White Pages directory of people and businesses in Sweden. Type in the number or address of the person or business that you're looking for in the box titled Sök nummer och adresser till personer och företag and then press Sök.


Listings of the work phone numbers of people, and the companies they work for - i.e. more of a contacts database than a standard directory. Enter the surname of a person in Efternamn, or a company name in Företag, and press Sök. In Swedish.


White Pages for residential phone numbers (people) in Sweden. Under Vad söker du?, fill in the name and/or telephone number (and/or company name and/or type of service/business) you're looking for. Also optional is Var?: fill in location: street name, street number, zip code and/or city name etc. then press Sök. Includes reverse search (search by number). In Swedish.


Business directory in Swedish. Type in what you're looking for in the box Vad and optional location Var and then press Sök.


Good directory of people and businesses in Sweden. In Swedish. Type in the name, business or number under Vad vill du hitta? and the optional location under Var?. Click on hitta! to search. Results include maps. Display shows the business (Företag:) results on the left and the people results on the right. People results include birthdates to help with locating the right person.


Business directory - search via company name, industry, product names, corporation or telephone number. In Swedish. Results show contact details but also business information and available reports.

New Jersey Area Codes

New Jersey area codes are 201, 551, 609, 640, 732, 848, 856, 862, 908, 973.