Dialing code: +683 · ISO code: NIU
Business directory for Niue - includes some additional numbers and misses some out from the Chamber of Commerce so useful to compare when looking for services. There is no specific search function - just click on one of the category letters and select any category. This brings up an alphabetical list starting with A - no matter which letter you chose or category. To find the company you need you have to scroll down the entire list which isn't the best method but until they fix their format and structure of the site it's the only way to find what you're looking for.
Comprehensive list of Niue Island businesses and services - includes places that have WIFI or EFTPOS. Presented in list format with categories in an alphabetic form. If you know the name of the company itself you can find it from the home page through the search function but this list is so short it's easier to just scroll down and look.