Dialing code: +372 · ISO code: EST
Business directory. In English, Estonian and Russian. Search by category or keyword.
Telephone directory for people and business directory for Estonia. Includes reverse search (search by phone number) for businesses. In English, Estonian and Russian. If the number "1184" appears beside a name that means it's not available online, which is all of them at this current time due to privacy rules. Further information on the person can be got by calling 1184 within Estonia.
White Pages for people and businesses. In Estonian and English. To find businesses just enter the category or company name - doesn't need a location if you don't know it. If you want to find people click on the Person Search at the top of the page. This shows results but if you want to know the number you need to create a free login account. Also has reverse search - just put the number into the search box and the company that it belongs to is shown.
Business directory for Estonia. In English, Estonian, Finnish, Russian and German.
Submission based business directory. In Estonian. Type in what you're looking for in the box Otsi (search) and click the search icon.