Bulgaria Phone Books

Dialing code: +359   ·   ISO code: BGR

Golden Pages

Yellow Pages business directory for Bulgarian. In English and Bulgarian.


Business directory for Bulgaria in Bulgarian and English. Search by keyword, category or alphabetical. The English translation doesn't always work but results are clear and give contact details, maps and reviews of the company or service where people have submitted one. With over 22,000 entries.


Phone book for residential and business customers of Vivacom mobile phone network. Only in Bulgarian and needs Cyrillic font to display correctly. It's necessary to put the location (Населено място) in when searching - a countrywide search doesn't work. You can select the location by clicking on the map and it fills it in for you. Type in the person or company's name in the third box down titled Име и фамилия/име на фирма. Press ТърсиИзчисти to search. You can change whether you're looking for business subscribers (Бизнес абонати) or residential subscribers (Домашни абонати ). You can also search by keywords - Ключови думи - which is the box at the bottom before the search button. If you search on the residential subscribers you need to put both names in (first and second).

South Carolina Area Codes

South Carolina area codes are 803, 843, 854, 864.