(701) 882 in Sheldon, ND

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(701) 882 Phone Numbers

Phone numbers, along with owner names and location information, found in U.S. open datasets:

(701) 882-3221

Sheldon Public School

23 Grand Ave N, Sheldon, ND 58068

(701) 882-3283

Sheldon Headquarters

118 Fowler St, Sheldon, ND 58068-4119

(701) 882-3344

Sheldak Ranch

5743 145th Ave SE, Sheldon, ND 58068-9733

(701) 882-3376

Norman's Bar & Grill

230 Front St, Sheldon, ND 58068-4000

(701) 882-3421

Sheyenne Greenhouse

5836 140th Ave SE, Sheldon, ND 58068-9723

(701) 882-3433

Red Barn Veterinary Services

5680 140th Ave SE, Sheldon, ND 58068-9702

(701) 882-3434

Sheldon School District 2

Rr 1 Box 1, Sheldon, ND 58068

Prefix 701-882 - Sheldon

Prefix 701-882 is operated by GRIGGS COUNTY TEL. CO.. Its rate center is SHELDON.

Rate Center SHELDON