(701) 685 in Jud, ND

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(701) 685 Phone Numbers

Phone numbers, along with owner names and location information, found in U.S. open datasets:

(701) 685-2217

Brian Schlecht Farm

6889 73rd Ave SE, Edgeley, ND 58433-9783

(701) 685-2257

Jud Bar and Grill

516 Logie St, Jud, ND 58454-4000

(701) 685-2660

Ost Body & Paint/Ost Distributing

5809 83rd Ave SE, Montpelier, ND 58472

(701) 685-2687

Huber EY Red Angus

5866 76th Ave SE, Jud, ND 58454-9201

Prefix 701-685 - Jud

Prefix 701-685 is operated by DICKEY RURAL TEL. COOP.. Its rate center is JUD.

Rate Center JUD