(701) 654 in Underwood, ND

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(701) 654 Phone Numbers

Phone numbers, along with owner names and location information, found in U.S. open datasets:

(701) 654-0044

Quality Insulated Glass and Service

10767 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75220-2419

(701) 654-0058

El Sol De Mexico 725 E Villa Maria

Bryan, TX

(701) 654-7100

Iron Oar Pub and Grill

508 Missouri Dr, Riverdale, ND 58565

(701) 654-7411

USACE Garrison Project/Lake Sakakawea

201 1st St, Riverdale, ND 58565-7717

(701) 654-7440

Downstream Campground

Hatchery Rd, 58565

(701) 654-7466

Riverdale Ambulance

301 Dakota Ave, Riverdale, ND 58565-7713

(701) 654-7475

North Dakota Game & Fish Department

406 Dakota Ave, Riverdale, ND 58565-6511

(701) 654-7598

Riverdale Church Property

12 3rd Ln SW, Pick City, ND 58545-7048

(701) 654-7600

Sakakawea Sunset Lodge

507 Missouri Dr, Riverdale, ND 58565-6518

(701) 654-7636

City of Riverdale

300 2nd St, Riverdale, ND 58565-6528

(701) 654-7652

Mclean-Mercer Regional Library

Po Box 505, Riverdale, ND 58565

(701) 654-9538

Riverdale Inn

314 4th St, Riverdale, ND 58565-7707

(701) 654-9540

Spillway Coffee House

504 10th St, Riverdale, ND 58565-6520

(701) 654-9559

Riverdale High Lodge Knights Bar & Grill

401 3rd St, Riverdale, ND 58565-6521

Prefix 701-654 - Underwood

Prefix 701-654 is operated by WEST RIVER TELECOMMUNICATIONS COOP. - ND. Its rate center is UNDERWOOD.


Related Prefixes

Other prefixes with the same UNDERWOOD rate center and operated by WEST RIVER TELECOMMUNICATIONS COOP. - ND: