(701) 647 in Kulm, ND

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(701) 647 Phone Numbers

Phone numbers, along with owner names and location information, found in U.S. open datasets:

(701) 647-2053


7149 72ND AVE SE, KULM, ND 58456

(701) 647-2225


6964 67TH AVE SE, KULM, ND, 58456-9728

(701) 647-2244

Kulm Country Club

6680 79th St SE, Kulm, ND 58456-7247

(701) 647-2303

Kulm School District 7

217 2nd Ave Se, Kulm, ND 58456

(701) 647-2306

Allied Energy - Napa Kulm

2 Main Ave N, Kulm, ND 58456-7116

(701) 647-2316

Coteau Hills Farmers' Market

105 Main Ave S, Kulm, ND 58456-7119

(701) 647-2331

Johnson Mfg., Inc.

221 2nd Ave NE, Kulm, ND 58456-7314

(701) 647-2332


221 2ND AVE NE, KULM, ND 58456-7314

(701) 647-2351

Kulm Pool

222 3rd Ave SE, Kulm, ND 58456-7206

(701) 647-2431

Kulm Grocery Store

5 Main Ave S, Kulm, ND 58456-7101

(701) 647-2448

Hometown Credit Union

18 Main Ave S, Kulm, ND 58456-7100

(701) 647-2527


105 2ND ST NE, KULM, ND, 58456

(701) 647-2602

Kulm Baptist Church

8 2nd St SE, Kulm, ND 58456-7212

(701) 647-2620

Byron Smith General Contractor

932 Carolina St, Vallejo, CA 94590

(701) 647-2623

Kulm Civic & Improvement Association

13 Main Ave S, Kulm, ND 58456-7101

(701) 647-2703

Zion Lutheran Church of Kulm, ND

1 2nd Ave SE, Kulm, ND 58456-7209

(701) 647-2734

Kulm Assembly of God

108 2nd St SW, Kulm, ND 58456-7140

(701) 647-2762

Kulm Cafe

9 Main Ave S, Kulm, ND 58456-7101

(701) 647-2793

First Congregational Church of Kulm, ND

11 1st Ave SE, Kulm, ND 58456-7222

(701) 647-2830

Bel Tower

7174 Highway 13, Kulm, ND 58456-9707

(701) 647-2865

Kulm Tasty Treats

13 1st Ave SW, Kulm, ND 58456-7104

(701) 647-2878

Kulm Hardware And Home Center

3 Main Ave N, Kulm, ND 58456-7117

(701) 647-5856

Kulm Service

7007 76th St SE, Kulm, ND 58456-9706

(701) 647-7333

Double "AA" Seeds Inc.

298 3rd Ave SE, Kulm, ND 58456-7206

Prefix 701-647 - Kulm

Prefix 701-647 is operated by DICKEY RURAL TEL. COOP.. Its rate center is KULM.

Rate Center KULM