(701) 384 in Dahlen, ND

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(701) 384 Phone Numbers

Phone numbers, along with owner names and location information, found in U.S. open datasets:

(701) 384-6104

Dahlen Lutheran Church

206 Main St S, Dahlen, ND 58224-2401

(701) 384-6144

Dahlen Farmers Elevator & Oil Company

218 Main St N, Dahlen, ND 58224-2400

(701) 384-6182

Jallo Angus Ranch

12249 55th St NE, Fordville, ND 58231-9213

(701) 384-6225

Ellingson Simmentals

5065 125th Ave NE, Dahlen, ND 58224-9601

Prefix 701-384 - Dahlen

Prefix 701-384 is operated by POLAR COMMUN MUTUAL AID CORP.. Its rate center is DAHLEN.

Rate Center DAHLEN