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Phone numbers, along with owner names and location information, found in U.S. open datasets:
Owner: Lakeshore High School
Location: 5771 Cleveland Ave, Stevensville, MI 49127
(616) 428-1401
+1 6164281401 from Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 428-1402
+1 6164281402 from Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 428-1403
+1 6164281403 from Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 428-1404
+1 6164281404 from Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 428-1405
+1 6164281405 from Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 428-1406
+1 6164281406 in Michigan
(616) 428-1407
+1 6164281407 from Grand Rapids, MI
Owner: Lakeshore Middle School
Location: 1459 W John Beers Rd, Stevensville, MI 49127
(616) 428-1409
+1 6164281409 from Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 428-1410
+1 6164281410 from Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 428-1411
+1 6164281411 from Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 428-1412
+1 6164281412 from Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 428-1413
+1 6164281413 from Grand Rapids, MI
Owner: Hollywood Elementary School
Location: 143 W John Beers Rd, Stevensville, MI 49127
(616) 428-1415
+1 6164281415 from Grand Rapids, MI
Owner: Roosevelt Elementary School
Location: 5550 Dennis St, Stevensville, MI 49127
(616) 428-1417
+1 6164281417 from Grand Rapids, MI
Owner: Stewart Elementary School
Location: 2750 Orchard Ln, Stevensville, MI 49127
(616) 428-1419
+1 6164281419 from Grand Rapids, MI
Prefix 616-428 is operated by CENTURYLINK COMMUNICATIONS, LLC. Its rate center is GRAND RPDS.
Rate Center | GRAND RPDS |
Other prefixes with the same GRAND RPDS rate center and operated by CENTURYLINK COMMUNICATIONS, LLC: