(563) 674 in Delmar, IA

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(563) 674 Phone Numbers

Phone numbers, along with owner names and location information, found in U.S. open datasets:

(563) 674-4164

Delwood Elementary School

311 Delmar Ave, Delmar, IA 52037-9799

(563) 674-4261

Delmar Grain Service, Inc.

502 Main St, Delmar, IA 52037

(563) 674-4367

61 Drive In Theatre

1228 Highway 61, Delmar, IA 52037-9147

(563) 674-4396

O'Meara Schoolhouse Restoration

1507 270th Ave, Delmar, IA 52037-9131

(563) 674-6633

Orion Technical College

3940 Elmore Ave, Davenport, IA 52807-2589

Prefix 563-674 - Delmar

Prefix 563-674 is operated by WINDSTREAM IOWA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. - SYSTEMS. Its rate center is DELMAR.

Rate Center DELMAR