(415) 998 in San Francisco, CA

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(415) 998 Phone Numbers

Phone numbers, along with owner names and location information, found in U.S. open datasets:

(415) 998-0803

A T M Construction Co

879 Girard St, San Francisco, CA 94134

(415) 998-1398

Hong Kong Art

486 Dewey Bl, San Francisco, CA 94116

(415) 998-3623

David D Construction Co

1339 Plymouth St, San Francisco, CA 94112

(415) 998-5202

Columbia Mechanical Contr

969 Folsom St *, San Francisco, CA 94107

(415) 998-5736

Ardo Construction Co.

584 Castro St 520, San Francisco, CA 94114

Prefix 415-998 - San Francisco

Prefix 415-998 is operated by PACIFIC BELL. Its rate center is SNFC CNTRL.

Rate Center SNFC CNTRL

Related Prefixes

Other prefixes with the same SNFC CNTRL rate center and operated by PACIFIC BELL: