(415) 807 in San Francisco, CA

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(415) 807 Phone Numbers

Phone numbers, along with owner names and location information, found in U.S. open datasets:

(415) 807-3558

J B Kohler Plumbing

3821 B 20th St *, San Francisco, CA 94114

(415) 807-5060


360 22ND STREET, OAKLAND, CA 94612

(415) 807-5074

J M Plumbing

20 Sadowa St, San Francisco, CA 94112

(415) 807-5188

Huynh Chanh & Huynh Minh D

3334 Stuart St, Oakland, CA 94602

(415) 807-7373

New Seiko General Constructi

2862 Estates Dr, Concord, CA 94520

(415) 807-9297

Pegasus Plumbing & Piping

532 Mastich Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066

Prefix 415-807 - San Francisco

Prefix 415-807 is operated by UTILITY TELECOM GROUP, LLC - CA. Its rate center is SNFC CNTRL.

Rate Center SNFC CNTRL

Related Prefixes

Other prefixes with the same SNFC CNTRL rate center and operated by UTILITY TELECOM GROUP, LLC - CA: