(415) 698 in San Francisco, CA

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(415) 698 Phone Numbers

Phone numbers, along with owner names and location information, found in U.S. open datasets:

(415) 698-1225

Bayline Mechanical Inc

1558 Michigan St, San Francisco, CA 94124

(415) 698-1692

Charles Stuber Constructi

814 Greenwood Ave., San Mateo, CA 94401

(415) 698-1965

Alex Yuen Plumbing Co

4021 Mozart Dr, El Sobrante, CA 94803

(415) 698-3222

Denis Deng's Plumbing

206 Genebern Wy, San Francisco, CA 94112

Prefix 415-698 - San Francisco

Prefix 415-698 is operated by USA MOBILITY WIRELESS, INC.. Its rate center is SNFC CNTRL.

Rate Center SNFC CNTRL

Related Prefixes

Other prefixes with the same SNFC CNTRL rate center and operated by USA MOBILITY WIRELESS, INC.: