(415) 280 in San Francisco, CA

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(415) 280 Phone Numbers

Phone numbers, along with owner names and location information, found in U.S. open datasets:

(415) 280-0289

Bayworks Contracting Ser

1663 Beach Park Bl, Foster City, CA 94404

(415) 280-0639

Sonoma Hills Construction

1471 Los Alamos Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95409

(415) 280-0720

Muriel Construction

1426 Shotwell St *, San Francisco, CA 94110

(415) 280-0802

Cat Construction

Box 1008 *, Bolinas, CA 94924

(415) 280-0820

Cat Construction

Box 1008 *, Bolinas, CA 94924

(415) 280-2805

Western Enterprises

397 Northgate Avenue *, Daly City, CA 94055

(415) 280-2899

Lynn Schwarzhoff

(415) 280-4342

Henry Chavez Construction

11 Keystone Wy, San Francisco, CA 94127

Prefix 415-280 - San Francisco

Prefix 415-280 is operated by USA MOBILITY WIRELESS, INC.. Its rate center is SNFC CNTRL.

Rate Center SNFC CNTRL

Related Prefixes

Other prefixes with the same SNFC CNTRL rate center and operated by USA MOBILITY WIRELESS, INC.: