(406) 984 in Birney, MT

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(406) 984 Phone Numbers

Phone numbers, along with owner names and location information, found in U.S. open datasets:

(406) 984-6233

Quarter Circle U Ranch

14 U Ranch Ln, Birney, MT 59012-9501

(406) 984-6247

Birney School

205 Commercial St, Birney, MT 59012

(406) 984-6248

Birney Elementary School

205 Commerical Street, Birney, MT 59012

(406) 984-6295

Diamond Cross Ranch

9698 Tongue River Rd, Decker, MT 59025

Prefix 406-984 - Birney

Prefix 406-984 is operated by RANGE TEL COOP INC. Its rate center is BIRNEY.

Rate Center BIRNEY